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MANCHESTER, England (AP) — Liverpool leads the way in the race for the Premier League title after Manchester City and Arsenal canceled each other out on Sunday. A 2-1 comeback win against Brighton left Jurgen Klopp’s team looking down on its rivals — two points ahead of second-place Arsenal and three clear of City in third with nine games to go. “It is a great situation where the boys brought us,” said the Liverpool manager, who is aiming to sign off with a second league title before stepping down at the end of the season. There is still some way to go in the three-way fight, but Mohamed Salah’s second-half winner at Anfield could be crucial. Even City manager Pep Guardiola admitted it’s in Liverpool’s hands now. “Always who is first is favorites,” Guardiola said. “Second is Arsenal and we are third.” Victory had moved Liverpool to the top of the standings before City and Arsenal played out a frustrating 0-0 draw at Etihad Stadium later in the day.
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